Tuesday, June 17, 2014

So we are getting discharged tomorrow. The doctors say that his EEG has improved but is still bad. They know what they want I guess and are letting is go. He is not in status mode anymore having seizures back to back which is good. He is still having more though than 2 weeks ago. He has to be watched 100% of the time. He seems to be tolerating IVIg well so far. 

Thank you to those who donate blood. IVIg is an infusion of protein in plasma from over 1000 blood donors. Because of people who donate others like Jonah can have these infusions. 

It is sad to see the cognitive and speech decline from the Depakote.    

We will need to stick around Rochester until Friday though because he has an infusion here at the hospital each day through Friday. 

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. 


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