Thursday, May 15, 2014

I am having a garage sale this Friday and Saturday as it Monticello city wide garage sale day on Saturday.

I am having a sale to raise money to hire a ketogenic diet specialist to look at Jonah's case.  The cost is $250 so it shouldn't be too hard with a decent sale. (If anyone in my area has anything to donate to a good cause, bring it over or we will come pick it up and put it in the sale😀)

For those I you who do not already know the ketogenic diet is the front line treatment for kids with intractable seizures. The diet has had a positive impact to decrease the amount of seizures. Unfortunately, he is still having anywhere from 4-9 drop seizures everyday. I believe by hiring this specialist I can at least say I've done everything I can do with the diet before we start adding additional medication. One more thing people often have questions on, if  we are aware of CBD treatment for seizures and will be looking more seriously into that option as soon as it gets passed here.


*I apologize for not posting an update on our most recent Mayo visit. It's hard to find time use the computer. When I create a post from my phone with the blogger app, I find that
it always ends up with way too many typos and errors. 

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